I have been beaten, damaged and dishonoured. Somehow. I am trying to be sane . Someone help me. No matter what I do I can not seem to escape. Really. I assume I can't. Am I certain? I don't know! Unprecedented, right? It's so cold and dark here. How did I get here? Do I recall this place? Have I been here prior? Surprisingly, I don't know. The strange door rattled and someone came in. Am I being liberated? I hope so. My eyes gazed at the person's eyes. They comprehend the situation. Yes. They understood. My saviour? , My enemy? Which is it? I'm not certain. Their eyes were sealed to any sentiments. I can't read them. Should I be scared? Horrified? I don't know. Should I trust them? Can I trust them? I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. My eyes escaped their unknown look. Suddenly, I trembled. I am scared. I wrapped my arms around myself. Something is wrong. What? I am not positive. I looked up and felt a familiar chill. Do I...